Thursday, November 17, 2011

Healthier is Happier

I just celebrated my 61st birthday on Friday.  I had such a wonderful day and the whole weekend was fabulous! My husband and I took Friday off and we hopped on the Sounder train and went into Seattle and spend the day, just walking around exploring.  Spending the day with my best friend was FABULOUS!!!  When we got off the train I looked ahead of me to not one, not two but three flights of stairs to take us up to the street........I gulped ...and then took a deep breath. I was down over 90 lbs... I could do this!  I made it up those stairs and I was NOT gasping for breath when I got to the top!  YAHOO!  We had a fabulous day walking around the town and exploring a museum.  Even the rain and wind could not damper our fun!  5 months ago, I could not have done this!!  The weight, the pain of arthritis would have been too much.  As of last Saturday and now 5 months into this weight loss journey, I am down a total of 94.4 lbs.  I am SO thankful to Take Shape For Life using the medifast foods!!    

After we got home on Friday, my oldest son and his family came to help us celebrate and stay for the weekend.  We had such a wonderful, blessed time together!  I had surprised most of my family with this journey so they had not seen me since I had lost 19 lbs.  They are so happy for me and SO encouraging to me!  That is very important in the journey of weight loss to have the encouragement and support of your family and friends.  I am truly blessed because each one has and is lovingly and faithfully encouraging me and not tempting me to do things that I know I should not do on this journey.  

I have made a very big decision.  I have decided to be a health coach for Take Shape for Life.  My website is    I just feel that there are others out there with a similar story to mine.  Feeling like they are at their wits end!  That nothing works for them and perhaps even considering weight loss surgery as I was but in their heart of hearts feeling this is not the answer!  Perhaps even having the surgery and finding that it is not getting them where they want to be!!!   I want to encourage others and be a part of their fantastic journey.  I know if I can do it, YOU/THEY can do it!!!  I am very excited about this!  

I am working on creating a healthy body and mind.  We can do this together!  Check out my website and contact me!  I would love to hear from you and I would love to be a part of encouraging you in your journey!!!


Amanda said...

so awesome!! congrats and way to go!!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Belated birthday greetings and congrats on your weight loss. I hope and pray your Christmas is very merry!