Sunday, April 29, 2012

I could Cry

That is me in the blue top Christmas of 2009, celebrating with my family.  In physical and inside in emotional pain.  I could cry looking at this picture.  I guess I just didn't see me as being this big.  I knew in my heart I was but just didn't see it in my eyes. Above is down 150 lbs in my journey started June 11, 2011.  I have not looked back ONCE in sadness or regret. I have been making one of the most important decisions of my life.  My cholesterol levels are WELL within in the acceptable limit and my blood pressure is down naturally without medication!  I am healthier AND happier!    I am enjoying my beautiful family MUCH more!  :)  I thank God for HIS presence in my life and helping me along this journey! 
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Amanda said...


Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Wow, Marcia! Congratulations! You look great!

Susan said...

Wahoo. So awesome that your physical and emotional health are better. I praise God along with you about God's presence and help.