Monday, September 21, 2009

Budget Humbug!

Today is about budgeting for Christmas. I don't use the Credit card. Christmas truly is about Christ in our family and it is about giving. However, giving should be from the heart, giving of your self. Actually one of the best and least expensive gifts is a homemade coupon book, and yes, it is giving of your self. There can be one coupon a day. One month could be a car wash for the person. Another month a homemade pie. You give them a choice of pies and you can specify that you be given 3 days notice so that you have time to make sure you have the ingredients and can schedule the time to bake. One coupon might be for a dinner at your home and again this would take a couple days notice for scheduling and preparation. Be creative! And have fun with it. Design the coupons to fit the giftee and the giver. Check out 100 days to Christmas. I think you will get some great ideas there.

Budget Humbug!

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1 comment:

Susie said...

Is it that close already? I barely got up my fall decorations:-) Hee, hee, hee.