We had a beautiful day to drive over to Port Angeles. Mt. Baker on our right and the Olympic Mountains on our left as we crossed over the Hood Canal Bridge. We live in the most beautiful place. :)
And Sterling did not lack for attention either! :)
My youngest son with 2 of his sweeties. EVER the comedian! He also is a wonderful hubby, daddy and blessing in my heart.
Opening presents is ALWAYS fun!
What a beautiful family you have! You can tell your love for them in the wonderful comments you write about them! It's not very often that you find a family that truly loves each other! So glad you had a wonderful Christmas!!
Wow! What a full and beautiful holiday you had!!
I was glad you posted a picture of yourself. I'm always looking for you in them. You are an amazing beautiful woman we need to see you smiling face MORE. You are so talent with your sewing. Love the gifts you made. Lynn
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