Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tutorial: Bicycle handlebar bag with reflective straps

Tutorial: Bicycle handlebar bag with reflective straps

I REALLY REALLY like this idea. The summer between my 6th and 7th grade year, I was peddling my bike home from the swimming pool with my bag draped over my handle bars. My knee hit that bag and into the spokes it went before I even knew what happened! The bike came to a very abrupt stopped and I did not! Over the handlebars and smack onto my face on the pavement beside the bowling alley. I dealt with a the very painful breaking of my two front teeth. I was VERY fortunate, it could have been much worse (this was the days BEFORE wearing helmets!) I had a basket on the front of my bike, I don't know why I wasn't using it!! I had no idea that long handled bag could do that! I sure learned that lesson! So, that is why I like this idea. :)
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