Felt Mitten Silverware Holder
Here is the silverware holder that I was talking about earlier. I copied off a mitten pattern from the internet, enlarged it just a tad and cut out 8 mittens out of red. I cut 4 white cuffs from felt. Tacky glue was used to adhere the cuff to the top mitten piece. I then aligned 2 mittens together and taking 2 strands of embroidery floss, I blanket stitched around the outer border, leaving the top open for the silverware. A bright button was glued in place after all thh stitching was done. :) This would be cute in Red, green or blue for the holidays and makes an inexpensive but cute gift. I forgot to add a little loop for a hanger. I can still do that but would do this at the same time that I glue the cuff in the future. This was inspired by Linda when she showed me a knitted mitten silverware sock from kitchen accessory company. :)
I love this idea!! I wish I could sew:-(
Those are too cute.
I did a similar craft several years ago, but I made them into tree ornaments. Each year I try to make a different ornament and give to my oldest daughter and put into my other daughters' hope chests.
I guess I better get busy!
I've always meant to do this. You have inspired me. Maybe this will be the year!
Maybe you could try it in a stocking pattern, also! Cute!!! To bad we just do the paper plates and plastic ware!
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