Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am sure that some of you will find the humor in this picture!

This magazine was in my 1/2 bath magazine rack. It is from Winter 2006. I bought it for the cover story. Does anyone see the irony in that?? Well, I could have won an organizational makeover if I had been organized enough to ENTER the contest! That is ok. It took Marcia's challenge at Organising Queen and the tips of others and the encouragement of others to get me on this journey. For that I am thankful!!


Diane said...

shhh... dont tell anyone that is sorta what my spare bedroom looks like !
Yikes!!!!!!!! I guess we all have a room like that mine is closed off to visitors. My friend was commenting to me last night about viewing the pathway I cleared where is that. I told her the spare bedroom she was like oh I have only seen a glimpse of that you keep it closet. Yes I do hiding the mess but it is slowly going to be gone through and tossed!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL I got rid of that exact same issue about 6 months ago. Apparently it didn't work for me either!