We are THAT Family blog is hosting a "carnival". Here is my submission for this Thursday. This is me at about 3 1/2. Please notice that "Aunt Jemima" bandanna that mom has stragetically placed on my head to keep my hair from getting wet! This was truly a common accessory in the 50s for bathing and housekeeping! Maybe even for jaunts in a convertible, that I wouldn't know for sure!
What a cutie!! Great pic!!
That's adorable. I need one of those for my kids.
Thanks for sharing and joining in!
You were soooo cute!
Girl! We call that a Doo Rag in the South. You look ready to climb on a Harley and make tracks!
You were an awfully cute Doo Rag wearing 3 1/2 year old :)
Be blessed.
All right Dad Gummit. Doo rag comment was actually MINE. My kids keep logging me off and then I go comment and it looks like they commented. Confusing I know.
Me. Jen. Doo Rag commenter.
Very sweet picture!
Cute picture.. They call those Doo rags these days.. LOL
LOL, I love that headdress...so cute!
You looked adorable!
I still wear my hair like this. OK, just kidding. You were a cutie! :)
Confessions of an Apron Queen
That is just absolutely precious!! You are quite the little doll. :)
Thank you for visiting me!
What a great picture. You look happy as a clam sitting in that bubble bath. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Juice cans for rollers? And you slept in them? And I thought the sponge rollers were bad... haha!
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