Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to my oldest!!

My oldest has a birthday today! We always love our children equally but there is a special bond with your first born. Poor kid gets to be our guinea pig! I thank God for my son. He is a peacemaker, bless his heart. He has a heart that desires to serve God and it shows in his life and work. He is a loving and gentle husband and a nurturing and loving daddy. It often surprises me how although this young man has so many work commitments with owning his own business, that he strives to be a vital part of his childrens lives. He is very helpful to his wife. God has blessed me so much. Happy Birthday, Mark!

Also want to note that the blanket he is on in the first pic was made by his great grandma. She was a special lady!


Lori said...

Happy Birthday to your son! He must be a very lucky man to have such a sweet mother!

Thank you for your kind concern. Myah is doing a little better. We always have to work through these first sicknesses before she gets stronger--Thanks!

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Aaaah. What a sweet baby he was! And what a beautiful family!

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Momisodes said...

Happy Birthday to your son!!! What sweet photos :)

Amanda said...

Your son and my birthday are a day apart. Happy belated birthday to Mark!