I am SO going to double dip (NO - wait!) TRIPLE dip on this one! lol. I have been putting off my Christmas list for my grandkids. I have had in my mind what I wanted to make for them but hadn't gotten it down and organized. Earlier today I was reminded that it was 100 days to Christmas.. or there abouts.. I had just said a few weeks ago that I needed to quit procrastinating and get planning. With making homemade gifts it takes time to plan, get materials ready and make them!!! So I printed out some gift list forms and said I gotta get this done. Then I visited my friends blog. Here again, Diane reminded us that it is getting close. Ok... stress level going up. Checked out another website, 100 Days to Christmas, and decided to linkup. You know when you hear it once that is important, but when you are reminded a second time, you better sit up and pay attention! Hence, I did my Christmas list for the Grandchildren! I am getting materials collected to get a Christmas organizer going so that this year, I don't get behind with the unexpected! I am getting the patterns/instructions gathered to go in the notebook with these lists so that everything stays together and I don't have to go hunting each time I start/work on a project!
So how am I triple dipping? I did a "Tackle it Tuesday" (my first), crossed off a project from my procrastination list, and joined 100 Days to Christmas! WAHOO! Now that feels good!
Want to see what others have/are doing for these challenges? Click on the buttons above or on the highlighted areas in my post and check them out. All are GREAT websites!
Now THAT'S efficiency!!! Good for you!!
Okay, I signed up for the Christmas challenge too! I have such a stressful time at Christmas. I made everyone's gift last year so we shall see about this year! Thanks for sharing this challenge!
What a great tackle. I have gift lists in my To Do List in Outlook so, I Christmas shop all year long:-)
Thanks for stopping by.
I have all of my grandma's china. She used those as dessert dishes. I always thought they looked sparkly and so, I use them for desserts all the time:-)
hehe now glad to see that i'm not way out of it with doing xmas stuff too!
Great job! Christmas has been on my mind lately too. I wanted to do a lot of homemade things this year, but we've been so busy with trying to get things done on the house. When I add that on to my normal day to day chores, then homeschool, I haven't had the time to get any knitting or crocheting done. I'm starting to get worried. Not sure what I'm going to do, or how I'm going to pull it off.
have u looked at www.hellosanta.org
Thanks for your comments on my projects! Great job on the Christmas list! I'm expecting my first child in December, so I'm still trying to simplify my Christmas list and get organized too!
That is impressive! Seems the stars aligned for you on this day!! Thanks for participating in 100 Days to Christmas!
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