This is my dresser. Yeah! MINE! Got rid of the socks and storage containers to their home, threw away some of the stack of papers and book, decluttered the dust!! Done and now my bedroom feels that much more comfortable!
The jewelry box is not quite my style but it was my mother's and it is lovely. The framed object in the middle is also a music box, plays our favotite: "Unchained Melody."
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Looks GREAT Marcia! You're making your way through so many projects! Thanks for posting so many links back to Virtually Organized . . . I really appreciate your enthusiasm and motivation! Keep up the great work!!!
Looks great!!!! You don't even want to see mine!! What's next on your list?? I haven't decided on mine yet.
Can you come clean our house now? It's a sty.
It feels so much better to have a tidy dresser top, doesn't it. Mine gets so cluttered and then layered with dust for months at a time before I tackle it. Great job.
You go girl !! I have been busy this week with the womans show but not too busy to read your blog .
I need to do the top of my dresser too!!!!!!!!! Keep it up !!!!!!!!Great work!!!!!!!!!!
Great job, Marcia! It's so easy to overlook that room, as it's the easiest one to close off to the rest of the world, but there's something about having my bedroom look nice and neat that makes me feel good.
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